As the saying goes, "All good things must come to an end". After spending nearly three years in Thailand, needless
to say I met a lot of people and made a lot of friends. After all of the years that have passed since that time in my life,
I may not be able to remember many of their names, and probably wouldn't recognize many of their faces, but I'll never forget
the camaraderie among the troops that I worked with, or the hospitality shown by so many of the Thais. In December of 1974
it was time to leave this wonderful place with my new wife, and rotate back to the land of the big BX. It was certain now
that the war was winding down. The POWs were released, and many of the bases were beginning to close. It was inevitable
that eventually the American presence would be gone from all of the bases in Thailand, and it isn't for me to say if that
was a good or bad thing for either Thailand or the United States. I do however, consider myself extremely fortunate to have
been able to take part in this chapter of Air Force history. That period of time gives true meaning to the term "The
good old days". A night or two before I was to board the plane and leave Thailand for the last time, the owner of the
housing compound where we lived near Korat Air Base threw the party of all parties to bid Paiboon and I a memorable farewell.
Below are some pictures that were taken that night.

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